
Eva Olsson

by Morgan from Calgary

Eva Olsson web (Inspiration)
Eva Olsson web (Inspiration)

Life Before

Eva Olsson was born in Szatmar, Hungary. Eva Olsson is one of six children. Eva was born in a poor Jewish family. Eva and her sisters were not allowed to attend a public school because of her father’s religion and World War Two. Usually young girls were not allowed to attend school because of the fighting and gun wars. Eva would earn money by helping to farm, bringing clean water to her family and helping her mother with house chores.


During World War 2 Eva’s family was taken from their home in Hungary and then shipped by train to Auschwitz in May 1944. Her family had no idea what was about to happen. They had been sent on an incredibly long train ride with no food or water. After they arrived in Auschwitz they were sent into separate lines where the whole family was separated into their separate lines. Eva was separated from her mother and father. Luckily Eva was able to stay by her younger sister’s side through the lines. Many were sent to gas chambers and many were sent to work as slaves. The Nazis made giant holes in the ground called death pits where they would throw the people who maybe starved or were killed in the Holocaust. Hitler’s plan was to kill all the Jewish people of Europe and other close countries.

Picture of Eva Olsson (i made it)
Picture of Eva Olsson (i made it)


Many People did not survive the Holocaust and the death camps. Eva happened to be one of the lucky ones. Eva and her sister did survive but out of a family of 89 only the two of them made it. Eva’s father was forced to work as one of the slaves and later starved to death. Eva’s mother however was taken to one of the gas chambers and later died from the toxic gas. Eva and her sister were also forced to work as slaves. As for the rest of Eva’s family they either starved or were killed. Eva survived because of her amazing strong courage. She was determined to make it through. She was a great role model for showing when things come to worse, there's always a way to get through it.

Today Eva Olsson is still thriving. Today she goes around to many different schools talking to students about her amazing experiences. Eva also does not believe in the word hate or many other hurtful words. Even though Eva lost most of her family in the Holocaust she still manages to live life to its fullest.

Star of David (i made it)
Star of David (i made it)

Page created on 6/23/2010 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 6/23/2010 12:00:00 AM

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Related Links

Eva Olsson - Auschwitz survivor