
New York City Fire Department


A hero is defined as a person admired for bravery and great deeds. On 9/11 there were a lot of heroes. I would first like to take time and recognize the victims who we lost on that day due to the crashing of the Twin Towers. And let's not forget the Pentagon. Now let's acknowlege the brave victims that did survive.

The survivers of the 9/11 crashing would not have been possible without the firefighters of New York, and they could not do it without the help of God. The fighters are my heroes. They saved a lot of lives and they put their lives in danger to save people from the burning towers. They all are truely brave individuals to enter a burning, and soon to collapsed, building to save innocent people. It is certainly a good deed and very brave in the eyes of many people.

As I said before, I see all the many firefighters, officers and others who risk their lives for so many people. You are great people in the eyes of many.

When people think of firefighters they think they just save people from burning buildings, or put out fires, but not that day. They climbed many stairs, carried the people to a safe and secure spot and went back to save more. Now that's more than saving a house from burning dowm, it was saving people's lives so that they could go home to their families and that is what a hero is about - it's about saving and putting your life on the line for others.

I wish I was as brave and had courage in my heart like the firefighters. I really would appreciate the heroes that day even more. If I did I probably would have a great deal of respect and honor for everyone who tried to help one another that day and I hope God blesses you. Thanks to everyone who did or even tried to save someone's life. THANK YOU!

Page created on 9/12/2006 1:17:34 PM

Last edited 9/12/2006 1:17:34 PM

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Related Links

New York Fire Department Tribute - A Tribute to the New York Fire Department