
Mario Molina

by Sofi and Mariana from Xalapa, Mexico


Our hero's name is Mario Molina. He was born in 1942 in Veracruz, Mexico. During the sixties, he studied in the faculty of chemistry at the National Autonomous University of Mexico. He studied for his master's degree in the United States, and received a doctor's degree from the University of California at Berkeley. Later he joined the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as a teacher and acquired American citizenship.

He was the one of the first scientists to become alert to the danger that the chlorfluorocarbons used in aerosols represent for the hole in the ozone. Since 1974, he has shared his discoveries on this matter and he has advised companies and public and private institutions. In 1995 he received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

Mario Molina is a Mexican who has done important things worldwide, and he's an inspiration for all young Mexicans to study for a career and do good things for humanity.

His discovery about the hole in the ozone layer changed history and the way we will face environmental problems in the future. He helped us be conscious that our world won't last forever if we don't take good care of it.

Page created on 7/22/2013 10:35:17 AM

Last edited 7/22/2013 10:35:17 AM

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Mario Molina - Read more about Mario Molina.

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