
Jesus Garcia

by Cristina from Xalapa


Jesus Garcia Corona, the "Hero of Nacozari."

Jesus Garcia had been born November 13 1883 in Hermosillo, Sonora. His mother moved with her eight children to Nacozari in 1898.

"A hundred years ago this month, a young locomotive driver had to make a desperate decision: save his own life or try to save the lives of hundreds in his home town. Choosing the latter, he drove his dynamite-laden train away from the town but it finally exploded, killing him instantly. He was only 50 meters from safety. Just 50 meters further, and he could have abandoned the locomotive to its fate and jumped off the burning train to save his own skin. His actions saved the town."
In his honor November 7 is celebrated each year as Dia del Ferrocarrilero (Day of the Railroad Worker).

I chose Jesus Garcia Corona, the "Hero of Nacozari", as my hero in the first place because he is a Mexican hero.

When someone risks his or her own life in order to save the lives of others, in itself, is one of the most heroic actions there could be.

Page created on 6/23/2008 3:19:29 PM

Last edited 6/23/2008 3:19:29 PM

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