
Dewi Lestari

by Putu Ayu from Bandung

Her name is Dewi Lestari and her nickname is Dee. She is a writer, a singer, a songwriter, a wife and a mother, a curious little mind who loves to read all days laugh out loud, take a good nap, and has a long, great, tireless conversation with those who share the same curiosity and humour. Dee is interested in Spirituality, Environment, Popular Science, Parenting, Literature, and Music. Her favorite musicians are Sarah McLachlan, Tears for Fears, Indigo Girls, and Paula Cole.

Why I choose her become my hero??? Because for me she is the greatest poet in the world after Kahlil Gibran. She composed many literature. She wrote 4 best seller books, SUPERNOVA ('Ksatria', 'Putri', dan 'Bintang Jatuh'); SUPERNOVA ('Akar'); SUPERNOVA ( 'Petir'); and 'Filosofi Kopi'. Not only books, she also wrote 23 articles and 4 poems in her blog. I wonder to her and all her literature. She has good philosophy of life and she can convey her philosophy to everyone who reads her literature. She can see something ordinary from different points of view, something ordinary becomes something very special, very valuable and very unique. She gives me inspiration, meaning of life, teaches me how to walk in life well, open my mind, and many more.

Her philosophy and her idea is very influential to my life. My favorite Dee's literature are 'Filosofi Kopi', SUPERNOVA ('Akar'), and article about 'Satu Orang Satu Pohon'. Because of I read 'Filosofi Kopi' I become crazy over coffee, then I learn about how we must appraise our life; however our life is very simple and nothing is perfect in this world. When I read SUPERNOVA ('Akar') I feel something new in my life, my mind, my idea, and my philosophy. From SUPERNOVA ('Akar') I learned about something, everyone in this world has a role and purpose in their life. After I read article 'Satu Orang Satu Pohon', I realized we as humans never take care our earth, earth respect and give everything to humans, but we as humans never respect and give everything to earth, there is no take and give. We just take, take, and take. Now signs of GLOBAL WARMING happen everywhere, decrease of forest, increase of pollution and many more. In that article she tells us to increase count of plants and also oxygen can be increased, every person should plant one plant, it helps to rescue our lovely earth.

Maybe it is just a little word about Dee Lestari, I hope she will always be MY HERO and a hero for other people. She gives me inspiration and new ideas about everything.

Page created on 2/20/2008 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 2/20/2008 12:00:00 AM

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