
Joseph De Veuster (Father Damien)

by Puna Meyer from Hawaii

"This is my work in the world. Sooner or later I shall become a leper, but may it not be until I have exhausted my capabilities for good."
Father Damien right before his death in 1889. (
Father Damien right before his death in 1889. (

My hero is Father Damien. I chose him because I really wanted to learn about Leprosy on Moloka`i.

Father Damien was a priest that helped many of the Hansen patients that were left on the Kalaupapa Peninsula. He helped establish a community in Kalaupapa. He built new homes, churches, constructed a water system, planted trees, organized schools, bands, and choirs, provided medical care for the living and buried the dead.

Father Damien is originally from Belgium but lived on the island of Moloka`i to help the Hansen patients.

Father Damien was born on January 3, 1840 in Tremeloo, Belgium and died on April 15, 1889 on the island of Moloka`i, HI.

Father Damien is an important person to me because he put his own life on the line to help the Hansen patients. Not many people would have done that. Many people would be scared that they could catch the Hansen disease and die. I first learned about Father Damien from my grandfather on Moloka`i. He told me how our great great great grandfather was best friends with Father Damien. He use to help him with the Hansen patients. After hearing that I became very interested in Father Damien.

Page created on 8/28/2011 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 8/28/2011 12:00:00 AM

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