My Hero Learning Circles - High School - June 2013

Discover the heroes of teenagers from around the world.

My students heroes: Farzanegan High School, Kashan, Iran. A lovely environment created by lovely students of mine!
"Heroes help us define, develop adn live by the values of kindess, generosity, forgiveness, joy and peace." MY HERO PROJECT provided my lovely students with big chance of thinking about their heroes and why they are their heroes. They identified heroic characteristics and what it means to be a hero. Moreover, they developed internet research skills as well as writing skills. Thanks to the outstanding facilitators and managers of this wonderful project, my students could design a web page for their heroes to honor them and publish their writing to the national audience of MY HERO. We are extremely grateful to all My Hero staff for thier help and kindness.
Students have written about people from Romania, whom they consider to be heroes.
We are a group of students in the 11th grade A & B at "Alexandru Papiu Ilarian" Highschool Dej, Romania. Our town is small but very old and beautiful. It is situated in the central part of Transylvania, and it has a rich history. 
Heroes from Mohamed 5 HIgh School.
I gave my students the possibility to choose the heroes they want to tell about. I could discover their heroes and talent through this project!
Crafts English Workshops Heroes!
These are our heroes. People who have devoted their entire lives to help others and to protect our planet. Also sportsmen and celebrities. And the ones very close to us; those who leave a mark everyday. We celebrate your contributions. Thank you!
Heroes from the High School class from Ibn Soulaiman Roudani School in Taroudant, Souss Massa Draa, Morocco.
It was a great experience to learn from students and learn about their heroes. Being involved in such projects encourages me to continue professional development and include my students in the changes that are taking place around us. Pushing learners to use ICT tools to develop writing and critical thinking was of paramount importance.
In a nutshell, taking part in the My Hero Project was an amazing and rewarding experience. Thank you my students, my colleagues and moderators. It has been a pleasure reading stories from all over the globe. It was a great pleasure to fell the success and achievements. 
Thanks and see you next time.

Organizer created on 6/4/2013 1:45:00 PM by Wendy Jewell

Last edited 7/18/2013 4:55:20 PM by Wendy Jewell