Discover the heroes of youth from around the world

My Hero Learning Circlesis an online global exchange that has the My  Hero Project partneredwith Teachers and students from around the world learn about eachothers cultures, communities, countries and of course, their heroes. The worldis brought into their classrooms and their classrooms into the world. Thisdiverse circle of Elementary and Middle school students is composed of classesparticipating from Romania, Taiwan, Ukraine, Slovenia, Russia and Pakistan. TheMy Hero Project thanks you for all your hard work and for your amazing results,that everyone can see on this page. I encourage everyone to take some time andclick through ALL of the classes in this new archive of heroes as seen throughthe eyes of our youth. Happy New Year. Wendy Jewell Facilitator

We are a group ofstudents in the 11th grade A & B at Alexandru Papiu High School,Dej, Romania. Our class profile is computer science but we also study math,biology, history, chemistry, physics, economics, geography, Romanian, French,English and sports. We like to listen to music, play football, basketball,tennis, computer games and chat with our friends online, as well as go ontrips. Our town is small, but very old and beautiful country, situated in thesouth east part of Europe, in the central part of Transylvania with mountains,lakes, rivers and sea. The Danube pours into the Black Sea forming a beautifuldelta, a natural paradise for many species of birds and fish. We like to spendour summer holidays at the Black Sea Coast. Enjoy our works. Professor Cornelia Platon

These are the heroes of Slovenian students from the 9th grade at Osnova Sola Naklo School. It's our second time participating in learning circles and this time we decided to tell the world about our heroes. Our country, Slovenia, is small but we have many people that we are proud of so we want to share their stories with the whole world. The topic of heroes is in our curriculum but the students wrote about their heroes as an extra task and we all hope that you will like their work and learn many new things as we have in this learning circle.

Organizer created on 1/26/2013 10:42:46 AM by Wendy Jewell

Last edited 7/18/2013 4:55:20 PM by Wendy Jewell