
Walt Disney

by Allison Harlington from Belo Horizonte

A hero for me is someone who inspires me to achieve my goals. I chose Walt Disney as my hero. He brings out the artistic side of me. I would love to entertain people just like he did.

Walt Disney was born on December 15, 1901, in Chicago, Illinois. He was one of five children. He had an interest in art at a very early age. In 1918, Walt dropped out of high school to try and join the military service. As he was only 16 years old, he was rejected for being under age. He instead joined the Red Cross and was sent overseas to France. When he came back from France he headed off to Hollywood and started a small company called Laugh-o-Grams which went bankrupt. After making success with his "Alice comedies", he became a recognized Hollywood figure.

On December 21, 1928, Walt created Mickey Mouse. In 1937, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was the first full-length animated musical future premiered at the Carthay Theater in Los Angeles. Walt Disney studios completed other full-length animated classics such as Pinocchio, Fantasia, Dumbo and Bambi. He was important because he broke television barriers with his animated movies. The Disney Empire is the most successful business in the world, and reaches people of any ethnicity and nationality. Walt was a very good businessman and artist, but he still thought that family should come first, so he is a balanced man. Being balanced is good because if all you care about is your career and not your family then you are selfish and cannot be happy in life. Once Walt Disney said "All your dreams can come true, if you have the courage to pursue them". I think everyone should adopt this as their motivation. When Walt died in December 19 1966 of lung cancer, there was a rumor about him saying that he was frozen and buried under the statue of Disneyland, but it is not true. According to his wishes, Walt was cremated two days after he died and was buried under a marked spot.

Walt Disney is a legend, a folk hero of the 20th century. I want to be like him and have a great and successful career.

Page created on 6/8/2011 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 6/8/2011 12:00:00 AM

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