
Paul Revere

by Jeffrey from New York

Out started six officers, seized my bridle, put their pistols to my chest, ordered me to dismount, which I did. One of them, asked me where I came from, I told him. He asked me what time I left, he seemed surprised, said "Sir, may I crave your name?" I answered, "My name is Paul Revere." ... a famous quote by Paul Revere on the account of his Midnight Ride.

My hero is Paul Revere. Paul Revere is a hero because he led the Midnight ride. The Midnight Ride told the patriots that the British were coming. This warning gave the patriots a head start on preparing for the strike. (Paul Revere fought in the French and Indian war. Paul fought for the French, but was later sent home.) Paul continued to be a silversmith when he got home to raise money to support his family. Later on, the Stamp Act was in progress. At this time Paul became a member of the Sons of Liberty. This was a group of people who protested against the Stamp Act, people such as Samuel Adams and John Hancock. Paul was a part of the Boston Tea Party. At the party, hundreds of men climbed aboard a British tea ship and astonished the British captain by dumping all the tea into Boston Harbor.

Paul was born in Boston Massachusetts on December 21, 1734. At the age of seven years old Paul attended Boston's North Writing School. When he was 13, Paul quit the school and became a silversmith apprentice. At the age of 18, Paul became a member of the Sons of Liberty. Later on Paul would attend Christ Church, now called the Old North Church. Paul was married to Sarah Orne.

Various challenges Paul could have faced while on his midnight ride are he could have been captured by the Regulars/ British. Paul could have been caught during his midnight ride and the patriots would have lost the battles of Lexington and Concord, this could have changed the outcome of the Revolutionary War.

One contribution Paul Revere made is the famous engraving of the Boston Massacre. He completed this to honor the five men who died. In the scuffle, a young boy was getting on a British guard's nerves, so the man pushed the boy and this made the crowd angry. Backup came in for the guard and one of the men shouted "Shoot!" and because of this five men were killed. In honor of the Townshed Act being ended Paul made a silver punch bowl. This contribution by Paul Revere is now considered a national treasure. He opened a gun powder factory during the Revolutionary war to benefit the patriots. After making gun powder Paul started to make church bells, and even now, in present day, hundreds of them still dangle in Boston.

Some honors Paul was rewarded with the Patriots Day Honors for his Midnight Ride. He was able to enter the Mason Society. Today, there is a large statue of Paul on his horse behind the Old North Church to honor his legacy. Last, there was a famous poem by Henry Wadsworth that was dedicated to Paul Revere and the poem is titled The Midnight Ride.

Paul was loyal to his country by assembling groups of patriots and fighting for freedom and personal rights. He also fought against "taxation without representation," alongside every other patriot in Boston. Paul was also very courageous, for instance Paul fought in many wars for the patriots and he took part in the Boston Tea Party. Last, he was a messenger for the patriot cause carrying warnings.

As you can see, Paul Revere was a man who did many great things for the patriots that resulted with helping our country become independent. Paul Revere is a true hero.

Page created on 1/30/2009 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 1/30/2009 12:00:00 AM

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