
Geoffrey Canada

by Lily from San Diego

Geoffrey Canada is recognized at the White House. (
Geoffrey Canada is recognized at the White House. (

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” (Nelson Mandela). The power behind this quote has multi-layers because the more educated one becomes, the more one realizes how much knowledge there is out there still to achieve. This is why what Geoffrey Canada is doing is so powerful. “The Harlem Children's Zone Project, which he founded, provides a cradle-to-career continuum of high-quality neighborhood schools and support services for disadvantaged children” (Duncan). Changing the world doesn’t happen overnight, and one who has the intelligence and determination to make a difference is a true hero. Many people can be considered heroes to society, but those that stand out are the ones who take the initiative to benefit others through altruistic acts. Geoffrey Canada is unique because he gives the students the inspiration to reach their goals, and even soar above them. Geoffrey Canada is a prime example of reaching for the stars because growing up in the Bronx, he was raised by a single mother and he realized how important education is for survival. He made it part of his mission that every student would be exposed to that opportunity. Many factors contribute to “hero” status, and Geoffrey Canada is an extraordinary hero because of his selfless acts towards improving education, and also the risks he takes to enhance students’ lives and society across the nation.

Mr. Canada acts as a mentor for these children. (
Mr. Canada acts as a mentor for these children. (

Geoffrey Canada provides a benefit to others by improving education and expanding knowledge. Through Geoffrey Canada’s altruistic behavior to society, it is evident that he is a man of determination and passion. “The 58-year-old educator and president of the Harlem Children's Zone, a nonprofit organization that provides education and support to local children and their families, has become a shining example for how to save America's failing public schools”(Osterhaut). Mr. Canada makes a difference for numerous lives on a daily basis by being available for feedback, in case these kids don’t have anyone to talk to at their home. He acts as a role-model by teaching kids right from wrong, and gives them advice on how to further their education, when at times, their parents could possibly be going about their daily routines just trying to survive. Through the accomplishments of Mr. Canada, it is evident the amount of optimism and faith he has for young adults around the world. In addition to improving education, another accomplishment was the rippling effect it had on society: “While it is still years away from confirming its broader theories about poverty, the Harlem Children's Zone has already had some impact on thousands of children. Its after-school college advice office has helped place 650 students in college, and it supports them until they graduate. Its asthma initiative has drastically reduced emergency room visits and missed school days among its 1,000 participants. Preschool students have made bounds in kindergarten readiness. Parent satisfaction in the charter schools, as measured by city surveys, is high” (Otterman). As a result of Mr. Canada’s influence on education, he has altered the lives of students nation-wide and now they are capable of accomplishing much more than ever imagined. The decisions that one person makes influences and can alter someone else’s world. Geoffrey Canada’s hero status is justified by the selfless acts of determination, dedication, and optimism that led him to modify education.


Geoffrey Canada sacrifices his time and energy in order to impact education and make a difference in each student’s life. In the New York Daily News article, Mr. Canada frankly states: ‘"This is very hard work, really a life-long commitment," says Canada, who has written two books and teaches violence prevention techniques at the Chang Moo Kwan Martial Arts School, where he has been a chief instructor for over 25 years. "There's a contradiction here. This is an urgent issue that can't wait for change. We've got to help our children right now. But we also have to be committed to this over the long haul because this is a complex problem that is going to take a significant amount of time to fix"’ (Osterhaut). Education is the “weapon” of today’s youth. Mr. Canada’s life-long commitment represents the risks he has taken in order to impact society. His dedication, passion, and determination portray his strong-will to never back down, no matter what obstacle he faces. Throughout his life, Geoffrey has rarely been faced with simple decisions, and through him it is clear that the important choices made in life are the ones that have the greatest impact. ‘''You could, in theory, figure out a less costly way of working with a small number of kids, and providing them with an education,'' Mr. Canada said. ''But that is not what we are attempting to do. We are attempting to save a community and its kids all at the same time’’’ (Otterman). It is obvious that Mr. Canada has sacrificed his life to better the lives of the future generations coming out of his community. In essence, Geoffrey Canada is giving his community wings like a mother pushing her baby bird out of the nest, and teaching the offspring how to fly. As a result of improving his community, the violence has decreased, and the education has improved. The risks Geoffrey Canada takes to further education and society demonstrate his commitment and determination that prove him to be heroic.


Inspiration comes from within. To be an inspiration to others doesn’t mean one has to be famous, but one has to influence the world for the better. Geoffrey Canada is a prime example of true inspiration. During Mr. Canada’s childhood, he always knew he wanted to make a difference: “Born and raised by a single mother in the South Bronx among the "abandoned houses, crime, violence and an all-encompassing sense of chaos and disorder," Canada understood his life's calling at an early age”(Osterhaut). Geoffrey Canada is an inspiration to society because of his drive and compassion for his fellow man. Being raised by a single mother in Harlem, there weren’t many opportunities for higher success. Each day was just a day to try to survive. In order for Geoffrey to change that, he wanted to further education for those less fortunate. “His hope is to prove that if money is spent in a concentrated way to give poor children the things middle-class children take for granted – like high-quality schooling, a safe neighborhood, parents who read to them, and good medical care -- they will not pass on the patterns of poverty to another generation”(Otterman). Geoffrey Canada is an inspiration because of his willingness and hope to provide for others. This shows how selfless he is, and his strive for a better, more educated society by expanding knowledge and opportunities for growth. Geoffrey Canada provides the cocoon in which all the students can mature and become the butterflies that fly freely and spread their wings and knowledge to their own offspring.

Page created on 8/27/2011 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 8/27/2011 12:00:00 AM

The beliefs, viewpoints and opinions expressed in this hero submission on the website are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the beliefs, viewpoints and opinions of The MY HERO Project and its staff.

Related Links

TED Talks - Geoffrey Canada: Our failing schools. Enough is enough!


Osterhout, Jacob. "'Waiting for Superman's' Geoffrey Canada, president of Harlem's Children Zone, talks education." Daily News. 09 May 2011.

Hernandez, Javier. "Educator Is Said to Have Rejected Chancellor Job." New York Times. 2010.

Otterman, Sharon. "Despite Money and Attention, It's Not All A's at 2 Harlem Schools." New York Times. 2010.

Duncan, Arne. "The 2011 TIME 100." Time. 2011.